Sunday, March 7, 2010

Great White Shark

Great White Shark
The Great White Sharks is the most famous of all sharks.
Belonging to the mackerel shark group, Great White Sharks are fast, fierce hunters.

a typical Great White Shark is around 4 to 5 m long - slightly longer than a car.
The biggest Great White Shark on the record were over 7 m long.

Great White Sharks are often found in the medium-warm waters such as those around Australia and Japan.

They sometimes attack humans, but Great White Sharks much prefer to eat fish, seals and sea lions.

Great White Sharks are not white all over. They are grey on top, with a pale grey creamy underside.

When swimming, Great White Sharks will sometimes stick their heads out the water, or leap high into the air.
It's difficult to keep Great White Sharks in captivity. If they are put into an aquarium, they only live for a few days.

" Great White Sharks have a massive powerful jaws huge teeth, ideal for ripping viciously into their prey ".

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